Three years after being implanted with a Prolift vaginal mesh for the repair of her pelvic organ prolapse, Linda Gross started to experience severe complications which has brought her endless pain and suffering, according to her own account.
She had to undergo several surgical procedures, make endless visits to different medical specialists, take in an assortment of medications, endure a lot of pain and discomfort, sacrifice relationships, and give up a job that she truly loved.
While some of these effects may not be expressed in financial values, still the injuries she sustained had greatly impacted on her economically.
In his testimony during the trial of Linda Gross against Ethicon, the makers of Prolift vaginal mesh, financial expert Frank Tinari placed the economic loss of Linda Gross at around $3 million.
Taken into consideration by the witness in coming up with the amount were the plaintiff’s past and future earnings and life care costs which includes multiple medications, extensive consultations with various medical specialists, and home care assistance.
Read More: Prolift Mesh Victim Owed $3 Million, Experts Testify